Now events are taking place in the United States that will go down in its history as turning points. Usually, such historical events pass slowly and imperceptibly, only after time can scientists isolate them from many episodes of the past. However, the crisis of illegal migrants now engulfing the United States is difficult to ignore.
The USA is a country of migrants, and this is how the American nation has been formed for several hundred years. However, previously these were waves of migration from Europe, but in recent years the situation looks completely different. Migrants come to the United States mainly from Latin and Central American countries: Mexico, Venezuela, Cuba, Honduras, and El Salvador. Then there are Asian countries such as India and the Philippines, often these migrants do not even know English.
The explosive growth of migration to the United States over the past few years is associated primarily with political and economic instability in small countries and the increase in criminal violence. The economic consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have only intensified the already existing destructive processes in the countries of Latin and Central America, increasing the flow of migrants to the United States.
However, it is difficult not to notice that increasing the intake of migrants has become one of the key policies of US President Joe Biden. Having come to office, he canceled a number of decrees of the previous US President, Donald Trump, which related to ensuring security on the border with Mexico. Various programs have been created to make it easier for migrants to enter the United States.
In particular, the US Department of Homeland Security has launched a family reunification program that allows Ecuadorians to obtain temporary permission to work in the US if their relatives living in the US sponsor them for an immigrant visa. Even before the launch of this program, in the first 11 months of 2023, 99,000 Ecuadorians were detained who entered the United States without authorization, an increase of 312% from 2022.
Almost similar programs were launched by the White House administration for hundreds of thousands of Cubans, Haitians, Nicaraguans, and Venezuelans and allowed them to enter the United States. The US Department of Homeland Security has even developed a phone app to make it easier for illegal immigrants to come to the US. Approximately 1,500 asylum seekers are processed through this application every day.
In the summer of 2023, a rule called “Section 42,” adopted at the height of the pandemic and allowing the border service to deport migrants without explanation and unnecessary bureaucracy, ceased to apply in the United States. From that moment on, the situation on the Mexican-American border acquired the status of a national catastrophe, since the federal government was not going to limit the flow of illegal migrants.
The lack of clear procedures for deporting migrants whose asylum claims are rejected has allowed the United States to create a stratum of millions of undocumented immigrants who contribute nothing to the economy because the system does not allow undocumented immigrants and asylum seekers to officially work.
In December 2023, there were 264,542 illegal immigrants recorded crossing the US border, more than in any year between 2006-2017. In total, 2.45 million illegal immigrants crossed the border in 2023, while during all four years of Donald Trump's presidency this figure was 2.37 million. In 2020, there were about 10.2 million illegal immigrants in the United States; during the 3 years of Joe Biden's presidency, according to official data, this figure increased by 6.2 million people. According to unofficial estimates, the number of illegal immigrants has doubled to almost 20 million.
In the last years of President Barack Obama's administration, the US Democratic Party began to stimulate migration to the US; Republican Donald Trump wanted to stop this policy. The strategy of the Democratic Party is quite obvious, since in their domestic policy they are focused on increasing social incentives for the population; illegal immigrants, having acquired US citizenship, will vote for their party. Several cities, led by Democratic Party officials, are already allowing illegal immigrants to vote in local elections.
The state of Arizona went even further, where the head of the US Democratic Election Commission amended the “State Election Procedures Manual”, and now people whose citizenship cannot be verified are allowed to register as a voter “at the federal level only.” The nuances also lie in the fact that receiving a federal-style “voter registration card” does not require a person to provide documents on citizenship; a person is taken “at his word.” The card received by an illegal immigrant upon registration is one of the state's identification documents, which allows him to carry out other legal procedures.
Thus, the US Democratic Party encourages illegal immigrants to register as voters, with the opportunity to then vote in “federal elections,” which include elections to Congress and the US presidency.
Getting a ballot in US elections has never been a problem; Americans do not have civilian passports, only foreign passports. According to the Brennan Center at New York University, up to 11% of American adults live their entire lives without a single form of identification. Now in 17 American states no identification card is required to vote, in 13 states there is a non-strict requirement to present any document confirming the identity of the voter, even if there is no photograph in it, the main thing is that the voter is on the electoral commission lists. Only in 8 states is the law required of a voter to present a photo ID to be allowed to vote.
The US Democratic Party, along with donors and non-governmental organizations, have been actively lobbying since 2018 to change state election laws to “make voting easier,” much of it related to absentee and remote voting. These efforts clearly failed during the 2020 US presidential election, when vote counting was delayed and Joe Biden won the presidential race thanks to mail-in ballots. In this regard, it is likely that illegal migrants could be used by representatives of the Democratic Party in the November 2024 elections.
All these efforts of the Democratic Party do not go unnoticed. Thus, well-known US businessman Elon Musk wrote: “Biden’s strategy is very simple. First, get as many illegal immigrants into the country as possible. Secondly, legalize them in order to create a permanent majority – a one-party state. That's why they encourage so much illegal immigration. A simple but effective way.”
The current White Year administration has simply demolished all border restrictions, working “as if it were the last day.” This could not but affect the social situation in the country. What made matters worse was that border states began transporting migrants to “sanctuary cities” run by representatives of the Democratic Party.
“Cities of Refuge” provided shelter and food for all migrants, but their distance from US borders allowed them to do this without straining their budget. In 2023, everything changed, the built-up traffic of migrants led them to social collapse. In the summer of 2023, Eric Adams, the mayor of New York, blamed the Biden administration's border policies for failure and said the city would need $12 billion to serve migrants who had already arrived, but the federal government was ignoring all requests. His “city of refuge” was forced to use 103 hotels as temporary shelters for migrants and even some schools.
The mayor of New York has banned bus companies that transport migrants from entering the city. After this, buses began to carry migrants to a neighboring city, where they were transferred to a train to New York. Now he wants to ban the transport of migrants to the city by trains and planes.
Thus, the migrant crisis affected the interests of the public that supported the US Democratic Party. Therefore, for the White House, this crisis has turned into a political one, with polls showing that only 27% of Americans approve of Joe Biden's immigration policies. The Hill reports that, according to a survey released on January 22, the issue of illegal immigration has overtaken inflation as the top political issue in the United States.
Among respondents, 35% named immigration as the top problem, followed by inflation at 32%. Over the past few months, compared to last month, the relevance of this issue has increased by 7%. Behind immigration and inflation, Americans are concerned about the “economy and jobs” – 25%, followed by “crime and drugs” – 16%.
The Republican Party did not miss the chance to capitalize on this public sentiment and on January 10, the House of Representatives began impeachment hearings against Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas on charges of failure to comply with national laws that led to a record number of illegal crossings of the US border.
Representatives of the Republican Party emphasized that, due to the transparency of the US borders, the activity of organized crime, which carries out trafficking in people, weapons and drug smuggling, has increased. The number of overdoses of synthetic drugs among young Americans is now breaking records; the current situation has already been called a “fentanyl epidemic.”
The first impeachment of Alejandro Mayorkas did not take place; when the issue was decided by the general composition of the Board of Representatives, 216 congressmen voted “For” and 218 “Against”, 4 Republicans joined the votes of the Democratic Party on this issue. It's not that these Republicans support the White House's immigration policy, but that they don't want to set a precedent of removing a minister "for poor performance," which would give Congress too much power over the executive branch.
Republican Tom McClintock explained the situation this way: “The only way to stop the invasion (of illegal immigrants) at the border is to change the Biden administration at the ballot box. Replacing one leftist (official with leftist political views) with another will not change anything. This is an unconstitutional expansion of impeachment proceedings that will one day hurt Republicans.”
On the second attempt, on February 13, Alejandro Mayorkas was impeached in the House of Representatives. This was a historic event; a member of the US Cabinet had not been impeached since 1876. On the second attempt, the Republicans managed to gain the required majority – 214 to 213.
However, in the Senate, where the Democrats have a majority, they have already announced that they will not support this impeachment. Everyone understood that the procedure would not be completed, therefore, in a February interview with The New York Times, Alejandro Mayorkas, when asked whether his ministry was really going to expand legal routes for accepting migrants in order to ease pressure on the southern border of the United States, did not hesitate to answer : “Yes, and to achieve one of the goals of our immigration system.”
It is therefore not surprising that the Democratic-controlled Senate, after nearly three months of debate, introduced a bill linking aid to Ukraine and immigration reform that has little to do with protecting US borders. The reform will actually legalize the reception of 8,500 illegal immigrants per day – that’s 3 million per year. The Republican leadership in the House of Representatives categorically refused to agree to this bill.
In January of this year, Texas Governor Greg Abbott came into direct conflict with the federal authorities and, with state National Guard forces, blocked the work of the federal border service in the town of Eagle Pass, which allowed illegal immigrants into the state from Mexico. He justified his actions by saying the executive branch of government in the United States has a constitutional responsibility to enforce federal laws that protect states, including immigration laws, and President Joe Biden has refused to enforce those laws and allowed them to be broken.
The US Supreme Court sided with the federal government on the issue of priorities for protecting the state's border, but Greg Abbott continues to insist on his own and strengthens protection of the state's border with Mexico. Against this background, calls from local activists for the secession of the “Lone Star State” from the United States are growing louder.
The fact is that such activists in their rhetoric use the “replacement theory,” according to which part of the US elite wants to replace the white population with people of color, and therefore condones illegal migrants from Latin and Central American countries.
This theory can be classified as conspiracy theory, but there are obvious facts. The share of the non-Hispanic white population has been declining in the United States since the mid-20th century. If in 1910 the white population of the United States was 88.1%, then in 1990 it was already 75.6%. From this point on, the decline in the white population began to accelerate, decreasing by approximately 5-6% every 10 years. So, by 2020, whites, although they made up the majority in the United States, were only 57.8%. The US Census Bureau projects that non-Hispanic white people will no longer be the majority in the US after 2040.
Internal U.S. Army data shows that 44,042 recruits who identified as white enlisted in 2018, a number that fell to a historic low of 25,070 in 2023, a 43% decline. From 2022 to 2023, the drop was the largest and amounted to 6%.
The US population is gradually Latinizing; since 1950, the share of Americans of Spanish and Latino origin has increased from 2.1% to 18.7%. As indicated in the RUSSTRAT material “The Latin American Factor – in the Present and Future of the United States,” Latinos and other Hispanics are the fastest growing community in the United States, their total share of growth among population groups in the 21st century was 53.6%.
Naturally, the elites in the USA are also Latinizing a little more slowly, but the trend is clearly visible. There are currently 6 Latino senators from the Democratic Party and 2 from the Republican Party in the US Senate. There are 31 Latino members in the House of Representatives, and 10 in the Republican Party. Thus, Latin Americans make up 11% of the entire US Congress, for understanding, the share of African Americans is 11.5%.
It is worth noting that in the last elections to the House of Representatives, in 2022, a record number of Latin Americans were elected, 9 from the Democratic Party and 6 from the Republican Party, which also shows that the preference for the Democratic Party among representatives of this nationality is no longer overwhelming. The US establishment now includes such prominent politicians of Latin American origin as Republicans Ron DeSantis and Ted Cruz, and Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez stands out in the Democratic Party.
This trend can no longer be stopped; European culture will be washed away in the United States, as well as any self-identification with European values. Accordingly, the concept of “Euro-Atlanticism” will lose its relevance in American foreign policy.
These are not just words; in 2022, The Washington Post already published an incriminating article with the thesis that “NATO was created to protect “civilized” people – that means Whites.” The African-American author of the article pointed out that “Western Civilization” is a term that posits liberal ideals as the unique heritage of white people. In 1949, one senator motivated the creation of NATO by explaining: “There is not a member of the Senate who does not have European ancestors. This is our hour not to let civilization down. Three hundred millions of people … believe in the great general principles which the race has developed and inherited from generation to generation.”
As mentioned above, according to statisticians, in 2040, half of the US population will no longer have ancestors from Europe. However, US foreign policy will “wind down” much earlier, which can, in principle, be observed now, based on the calls of former US President Donald Trump to focus on the country’s internal problems and confrontation with China.
With a high degree of probability, we can say that after the new US President takes office in 2025, this country’s interest in European affairs will noticeably decline.
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