Scientists Discover New Seamount in Pacific Ocean

Photo: Schmidt Ocean Institute

Researchers have discovered a seamount covering an area of 70 square kilometers.

Oceanographers from the Schmidt Ocean Institute have discovered a giant underwater mountain in the Pacific Ocean that is taller than the world's tallest skyscraper.

A team of researchers led by the Schmidt Ocean Institute has discovered a huge underwater mountain in the Pacific Ocean, stretching for 70 square kilometers, CNN reports .

The mountain is located almost one and a half thousand kilometers from the coast of Chile and is part of an underwater mountain range that serves as a habitat for sponge gardens, ancient corals and rare marine animals.

During the 28-day expedition, the researchers not only mapped a new mountain using sonar, but also captured images of several rare species of sea creatures. In particular, they discovered a new species of squid and a ghostly white octopus called Casper, never before seen in these waters.

The discovery was one of the highlights of the expedition to the oceanic Nazca Ridge, a region that has been largely unexplored until now. The researchers note that only 26% of the planet's seafloor has been mapped at high resolution, making their findings extremely important for science.

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